Triple Tie Thriving Center
Welcome to Triple Tie. We are a small collective of practitioners from different countries, lineages and traditions gathered together to share spiritual knowledge and support others on their journey. Uncovering the patterns of connection between the ethereal and material, psychic and physical, and mythological and literal are vital to spiritual development. Turning toward aspects of self, spirits and stories that inhabit us and our world leads us to claim sovereignty over our lives and live in harmony with our true purpose and with natural order. Practitioners here possess unique skills in their areas of interest and aim to help others cultivate connection between the spiritual and material, conscious and unconscious, dream and walking, sacred and mundane.
May the serpent bit its tail, let it wrap around our necks.
Embodied Imagination
Embodied Imagination® method is a modern-day adaptation of dream work practices of the Asklepian healing sanctuaries in ancient Greece. Learn More.
Divination and Workings
Divination is conducted on behalf of the client and their question or concern.
Learn More.
Personal Mastery and Voice Dialogue
The goal of Personal Mastery through application of practices is increase our awareness and to shift our daily actions to achieve what our hearts desire. Learn More.
Heart Rhythm Meditation
iamHeart’s method is a collection of embodied practices that build resiliency and improve our physical, mental, and emotional health.
Learn More.
Shamanic and Hurqalya Healing
The goal of Hurqalya healing is to restore the original template of health at physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Hurqalya Healing is an energy healing method attending to three levels of our existence: the physical, the energy, and spirit.
Learn More.
Trolldom Society Chapter
In central Washington, the Trolldom Society Chapter is run by Triple Tie’s founder, Dr. Erica Pedro. If you are interested in learning more about Nordic spirituality, cultural traditions, and the methods and approaches embedded in Swedish folk magic, we are your local contact.
Learn More.
"Darkness contains intelligence and nourishment…eating our shadow is a very slow process…the mother feeds, after all, but the witch eats."
- Robert Bly
About Alchemy

"Alchemy is part of a series of complex and subtle processes of dissolutions and coagulations (solve et coagula), negation and conjunction, and mortification and revitalization."
- Marlon Stanton